Carved In Ice 2021 Cancelled – Planning for 2022 Underway

The Butler AM Rotary’s 6th Annual CARVED IN ICE for 2021 had to be cancelled because of concerns over spreading COVID-19. It was a hard decision to make but like all things involving public gatherings during this crisis it was better to side with caution.

We’re already starting to plan for the return of Carved In Ice 2022. Currently we’ll be continuing the 2-day schedule with Friday night designated as “Lights on the Ice” and Saturday as “Family Fun Day.”

LIGHTS make it a festive night.

CAMERAS will capture the sights.

ACTION as the activities delight.

The annual downtown FREE public event was a huge hit just before the virus entered our lives. We look forward to seeing you and your family be able to get out and enjoy seeing friends and family while enjoying food, fun entertainment and beautiful sculptures.  Sponsorships and Ice Sculpture purchases make this event a success. We hope you’ll join us next year and either purchase a sculpture and/or become a sponsor. More details to come!

Proceeds help support our ongoing projects and the Butler AM Rotary Charities Annual Giving Fund.

Check back as details and announcements will be made throughout the year ahead!

Stay safe and healthy!


The Weekend Backpack Program needs our help!


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